Thursday 3 October 2013


(John is sitting inside a church by himself on Christmas Eve)

What the hell has happened to me life. No friends, no job, no house, even me son hates me! Me family don't deserve this, to put up with is. Am a failure. Why couldn't a been a real dad, a role model instead of a pathetic waste of space. He'll end up just like is. People say Christmas is the happiest time of the year, not for me it ain't. Nothin' more heartbreakin' than the look of excitement and joy get washed away by the tears of misery and disappointment on me own sons face. He would be better off without is. I should never go back, let his gran take care of him because all am doin is gettin' in the way. A wasted my life and am not wastin' yours to! It ain't all me fault, it was his careless idiot of a mothers. I't was all going well until she left is scumbag! I could strangle him! tearing me family apart, a have nothing.

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